Acts 2:1-13 Of the four gospels, it is Luke that pays most attention to the Holy Spirit. When John baptized Jesus in the Jordan River, the Holy Spirit descended on him in bodily form like a dove. When Jesus began his public ministry, Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, returned from the Jordan and was…

Acts 1:12-26 There is something amazing about seeing a jet take off from an aircraft carrier. A ship moving through an open sea, the plane sits on deck, the engine is started, the engine is started and the noise of the engine builds until it is screaming at full power and then the plane is…

Acts 1:4-11 When I read a Christian magazine, I am inundated by advertisements urging me to come to one conference or another. A week’s conference on pastoral mentoring with Jack Hayford. The Dynamics of Scripture for Christian Spiritual Transformation with Richard Foster and Dallas Willard. The Priceless Legacy of Cross-Centered Preaching with John MacArthur, John…

Acts 1:1-5 When my daughters were young, in 1989, we bought a Eurail pass and visited friends throughout Europe. As we traveled from city to city on the train, I read to them a book, as I did on every vacation we took. On this trip I read The Princess Bride by William Goldman. I…

Acts 4:23-35 John Gerber said last week that I always start off my sermons with a joke, so this week let me begin with a story of the history of the church. I was walking in San Francisco along the Golden Gate Bridge when I saw a man about to jump off. I tried to…

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