Jeremiah 7:1-15 Reading the history of Israel and Judah can make you dizzy. A good king comes along and you swoop up to the glorious heights, and then a bad king follows and you plummet to the depths. Up and down. Good and bad. Hezekiah was a good king, ranked with David and Josiah as…

Jeremiah 1:1-19 This has been a most disturbing week for me and I know I have not been alone in this. We are getting over the shock of the terrorist attacks on Washington and New York City, but are now facing the future. The US is sending massive amounts of firepower to the Gulf. The…

Jeremiah 1:1-19 A few years ago in the Alps of Italy the body of a caveman was discovered that had been frozen for seven or eight thousand years. Having been in that area this past summer I can tell you he lived in a beautiful world. He set out one day, dressed in fur, carrying…

Jeremiah 12:5 Jeremiah was not the kind of person you wanted to invite to a party if you wanted to have a good time. He would certainly not be the prophet of choice for today in a world that abhors judgement. His name has entered English vocabulary as a “jeremiad”, a prolonged lamentation or complaint…

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