Psalm 128 The Psalms of Ascent. Psalm 128 is the ninth of these psalms and for some of you, this will be the ninth time you have heard this. But for the sake of those who are new, let me explain. The Psalms of Ascent, Psalms 120 through 134, were psalms chanted or sung as…

Psalm 127 Friends have told me that here in Rabat, when I make a “to do” list, I should put some items on the list like “put on socks” just to make sure I can cross something off the list at the end of the day. I have many days that the end of the…

Psalm 126 When was the last time you were out-of-control excited? I mean yelling and screaming and slapping each other on the back and hugging excited. I’ve felt this way for sports events. I was a New York Knickerbockers fan (that’s a basketball team) when they won the championship in 1970. That one was frustrating…

Psalm 125 We come this morning to the sixth of the psalms of ascent, Psalm 125. These psalms, 120 to 134 are psalms the Hebrew pilgrims sang as they made their way up to Jerusalem for the three annual festivals. Each psalm speaks to a part of the journey. Psalm 120 starts out with the…

Psalm 122 What is the best excuse you ever heard for not going to church? This past year I wrote, with my father, his oral history. He was in the Navy in the Pacific during WWII and this is his excuse: In the Navy, I went to church once. And there was an earthquake. It…

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