Psalms 23 & 51 When I was in my early 40s I listened to an interview with a man who recommended we reread the classics we had read when we were in our teens and early twenties. The classics of the Western world are probably not familiar to some of you, but for those who…

Psalms for the Psummer Despite what you have heard, Christians are not nice people. After all, do nice people get angry? Are nice people jealous? Do nice people feel bitter and betrayed and delight in delicious plots of revenge? Are nice people discouraged and depressed? Are nice people hypocritical? Don’t get me wrong, Christians are…

Isaiah 6 In our series of sermons from the Old Testament appearances of God to his people, we come to a well known passage, Isaiah 6. We think of this as the call of Isaiah to be a prophet to Judah, the southern kingdom of Solomon’s Israel. (Just as a reminder, after the death of…

Exodus 24:1-11 Mountains have a significant role in God’s dealings with his people. God asked Abraham to go to one of the mountains in the region of Moriah to sacrifice his son Isaac. It was on Mount Sinai where God gave the law to Moses. On Mount Carmel Elijah challenged the false prophets of Baal…

Genesis 18-19 Over the past few weeks we have been focusing on Abraham’s journey of faith from Ur to Haran to Canaan. I mentioned last week that God promised Abraham when he was in Haran that he would have a son and land and that he repeated that promise seven more times over the course…

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