Acts 3:11-26 I preached last week about the first account in Acts of the disciples moving out into the world, bringing the kingdom of God into the lives of people they encountered. When the disciples were with Jesus, he sent them out to heal and preach that the kingdom of God was near, but now…

Acts 3:1-10 Jesus ascended into heaven and before he left he told his disciples to wait in Jerusalem for the gift of the Holy Spirit. The disciples waited and then they were filled with the Holy Spirit, speaking in the languages of the visitors to Jerusalem who came from the known world around the Mediterranean…

1 Peter 2:9-10 RIC is an international church with many different nationalities represented. For this reason, I do not pay attention to America holidays or American events in our church services. I do reference American culture in my sermons from time to time because that is a reference point for me, but I am very…

Acts 2:1-13 There are certain great memorable events in the history of God’s interaction with his creation that stand out as turning points in our history. The first of these is when God revealed himself to Abraham. As humans looked out at the world, they saw a lot they did not understand. There were powerful…

Acts 1:12-26 We left off last week with Jesus ascending into heaven and two angels telling the disciples to stop looking up in the sky and begin to do what Jesus told them to do. As we read through the events of the week and a half after the ascension of Jesus, it is important…

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