Meditation One month ago, four days after arriving in Chiang Mai, Thailand to visit our daughter and her family, I began to feel achy and tired. I had a fever and began sleeping during the day. After five days of this, I went to the hospital to confirm that this was the flu and not…

Revelation 1:10-18 Dan, one of my Facebook friends, posted this status on his page: “I’m not anti-Christmas, but the point of Jesus was and is Easter.” This set off a string of comments. Doug wrote, “Christmas is the big, noisy introduction song. Easter is the coup de grace, the ultimate triumph.” Elizabeth wrote, “Think about…

Introduction: For the past 2 Sundays we have been focusing our attention on the critical are of sexual purity.  Pastor Jack has reminded us over the last two Sundays concerning the danger and destructive features of this particular sin.  While the world approves, encourages and applauds impurity in many different forms—-God, the designer of sexual…

I Corinthians 6:9-20 Last week I began our three-part series on sex with a look at the Biblical view of sex. This morning I want to examine what it is that makes sexual immorality so devastating. The scriptures are pretty clear about the consequences of sexual immorality. Hebrews 13:4 Marriage should be honored by all,…

Genesis 1:26-31; 2:19-25 Five years ago in October 2004 my oldest daughter Elizabeth married Matt. She had been living the past few years in an apartment in Cambridge, Massachusetts with four other single women and her lease ran out at the end of August. Matt had an apartment in Lowell where they lived after they…

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