Various texts As part of my research for my sermon on hell this week, I went paintballing with the youth of the church (some of us were chronologically youthful and others emotionally youthful). If you are not familiar with the game of paintball, you get dressed up in coveralls and a protective helmet, get a…

Various texts One of my favorite Mark Twain books is Letters from the Earth. This is a book that was not permitted to be published until 1962, fifty-two years after his death, because his daughter thought the material represented a ā€œdistorted view of her fatherā€™s ideas and attitudesā€. The first part of this book is…

July 12, 2009 When I was in university and first exploring Christianity, I met for a few weeks with a Christian group on campus led by a guy named Ed. Ed had been a drummer in a rock band and had left the world of sex and drugs to follow Jesus. Ed with his long,…

RIC Various Scriptures In response to questions you asked and topics you suggested, we are beginning a three-part series on spiritual warfare. Today I will focus on Satan and his strategies. Next week I will focus on Satan’s power broken and then the third week, Tracy will preach on protecting ourselves from the devil. When…

various It is stunning and a bit frightening to me how dependent we have become on computers and other electronic devices. This past Monday night, my computer stopped working. When I tried to start it up, it would not get to a screen where I could do anything. I tried it over and over again….

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